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单词 remove into 例句大全,用单词remove into造句:

Cooling coils are introduced into the regenerator to control the temperature and remove the excess heat.
在再生器中放进冷却盘管能控制温度, 也能除去过多的热量。
Pour Coca Cola into your kettle and leave all day. This will remove limescale and leaves it clean inside.
在茶壶中灌满可乐, 静置一天, 这样可以去除茶壶内部的茶渍。
Incision into a capsule, especially that of the crystalline lens of the eye, as to remove cataracts by surgery.
The truth is finally brought into daylight, and he was able to remove the unfair label and regain his fair name.
Drop the clams into a saucepan with cold water, boil till the shells open, remove the clam meat to the soup bowl.
Below this kind of circumstance, end fall into disuse make even if a kind remove illegally the behavior of the contract.
在这种情况下, 末位淘汰制就是一种非法解除合同的行为。
Remove intestines of shelled fresh shrimps and rinse, drain. Marinate and place into a refrigerator, keep for 10 minutes.
虾仁去肠洗净, 沥乾, 加腌料后放在冰箱腌10分钟。
Have the butcher chop the pigs foot into pieces. Rinse well and blanch in boiling water, remove and rinse under cold water.
猪脚请肉贩切块, 洗净后, 先用开水烫过, 捞出后用冷水冲凉。
Remove the skillet from the heat.Spoon oil gradually over the prepared chilli mixture.Keep stirring while infusing oil into the chilli.
用小勺将油逐勺加入混合的辣椒碗里, 一边加, 一边搅拌。
Rinse Chinese almonds soak snow fungus until soft, trim and tear into small pieces, blanch in boiling water with a slice of ginger, remove.
Remove from heat. Pour into crock and let stand covered for 1 week. Strain through cheesecloth six times. Keeps refrigerated, also freezes very well.
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