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单词 reproductive age 例句大全,用单词reproductive age造句:

married men at reproductive age
satisfying the reproductive health needs of people of childbearing age
Within the next fifteen years, all of them will have reached reproductive age.
在未来15年内, 他们都将达到生育年龄。
The second most common female reproductive system cancer, it can strike at any age.
卵巢癌是女性生殖系统第二多之癌症, 能发于任何年纪。
By 2010, reproductive health care service will be accessible to all the people of childbearing age.
Study on Morphology of Fallopian Tubes of Women of Reproductive Age with Digital Subtraction Angiography
A Two Stage Cross Trial on Chloasma Treatment with Traditional Chinese Medicine in Women of Reproductive Age
Indeed, domestic violence is the leading cause of injury among women of reproductive age in the United States.
Pelvic inflammation caused such inflammation lumbago, and is more common women of reproductive age of back pain.
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