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单词 relapse rate 例句大全,用单词relapse rate造句:

The healing rate, death rate and relapse rate were compared.
We must continue having follow up because the relapse rate is very high.
一直要坚持复查, 因为它的复发率是很高的
An increase in annual relapse rate was described after ART in a small cohort of patients.
Conclusion Family education can redu ce t he rate of relapse in patients with bipolar disorder.
Results High rate of disease check out and cure without complications and relapse were observed.
结果疾病一次检出率及治愈率高, 无并发症发生, 无复发。
Meanwhile, those who received psychological intervention have higher therapy compliance, lower relapse rate.
干预组的治疗顺应性好 复发率低,治疗完成好。
Results Through effective nursing interventions can improve the efficacy and duration and reduce the relapse rate.
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