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单词 reduce error 例句大全,用单词reduce error造句:

The new equipment will reduce the error probability by seven times.
Finaly, how to reduce calculation error of scale conversion is discussed.
Procedures to reduce error in experiment identifying law of momentum conservation.
Lastly, optimal iteration algorithm was performed to reduce the registration error.
In this way, it can reduce error degree to assort due to indurations of fields value.
Better late than never, act at once to reduce the effect of an error you made earlier.
无论何时你发现自己做错了, 竭尽所能去弥补。动作要快!
To eliminate the error message, we must first reduce the possibility of users making errors.
为了消除错误消息, 我们必须首先消除用户犯错误的可能性。
Technical amelioration and control improvement to reduce grating and mirror slope error and roughness.
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