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单词 red cap 例句大全,用单词red cap造句:

A fungus with a red cap and a red coarsely reticulate stalk.
In any event, the barrel must be closed by a visible red cap.
Officers wear a service cap with a black visor and a red crown.
Speaking loudly with rude words, the drunk was shaving a red cap.
I'm not like red prestige brush is also less than the total cap and pants.
我可不是想冲声望, 是总也刷不到帽子和裤子。
A group of students were walking along the street, each wearing a red cap.
一群学生正沿着街道走来, 每人带着一顶红帽子。
The red cap and tricolour cockade were universal, both among men and women.
Using red and gold glitter acrylics, form a package. Cap with clear acrylic.
Turn the red cap on the air vent valve pos. 7 anticlockwise for quick filling.
When Little Red Cap got to the house,she was very surprised to see the door wide open.
One man, wearing a red cap and with a knife in his mouth, was already on top of the fence.
其中一个戴着红帽子, 嘴里衔着刀的人正在围栏上。
The red, green cap with ear of grain of high Zhan's hard shell which the dean wore, come from Turkey.
The embroidered red silk organza illusion cap sleeve gown with tulle ruffle skirt is both romantic and dramatic in equal parts.
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单词 red cap 释义

  • 单词释义:红帽子,火车站的搬运工  [更多..]



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