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单词 recommend for 例句大全,用单词recommend for造句:

I would recommend discussing your kicking technique with your coach to determine what works best for you.
我建议你和你的教练商量, 看哪种打腿方式最适合你。
Therefore, we recommend that you consult the relevant local technical staff for a more detailed explanation.
I recommend starting at two drops a night and advancing for sleep improvement vs. morning fog, up to half a cc.
I recommend that authority also be provided for the instruction and training of selected Greek and Turkish personnel.
I recommend that authority also is provided for the instruction and training of selected Greek and Turkish personnel.
I recommend using a program that automatically generates a table of contents for you based on the use of heading styles.
CONCLUSION We do not recommend systematically replacing catheters on a guide wire for the prevention of catheter infection.
It is mostly useless to ask others to recommend books that we ourselves would love to read. We have to read various books first, and then choose one or several genres for further reading. But only reading itself has disadvantages. It must be applied to the real world to make books alive.
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单词 recommend for 释义



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