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单词 Red Eye 例句大全,用单词Red Eye造句:

Drink For Red Eye and Headache.
Andy catches Red's eye, nods his thanks.
安迪用眼睛会意瑞德, 并点头致谢。
A red pencilmark on the fifth page caught his eye.
The red flag is the first thing that salutes the eye.
The eye of smile with cry a red eye four eyes opposite.
The red azaleas on the hill are very pleasant to the eye.
山上开满了红色的杜鹃花, 非常好看。
The various Ge Ling carefully sees, but momentarily red eye.
诸葛绫仔细去看, 却忽而红了眼。
Symptoms include pain, red eye, decreased vision, and fever.
其症状包括疼痛, 红眼, 视力下降, 以及发热。
Red glances around at his friends. Andy also catches his eye.
Like red, it captivates the eye, but can be an irritant if overused.
喜欢红色, 魅力的眼睛, 但如果能有刺激性过度使用。
The policeman turns a blind eye to the driver who rushes red light. Why?
The rib eye muscle must have a bright red colour and be firm in texture.
Because of the shape of the block, the RED EYE focuses the heat to the load.
因为炉头砖的形状, 红眼把热量聚焦在加热体上。
In photographs we are all too familiar with the red eye effect we sometimes get.
在照片中, 我们对有时会患的红眼症太过熟悉。
The eye, crushed to an oblate shape, crackled and cooled to dull red and then black.
Eye shadow and blush should be used modestly. Black or red colours are to be avoided.
You should go to the ophthalmology department for eye diseases, look at your red eyes.
Eye Very nice Red Garnet colourNose Fruity, torrefaction sensation but not heavy, fresh.
呈优美的石榴红色, 气味清爽, 散发果香及轻微的烘焙气味。
Looking at a son like this, the sorcery what thief cannoed assist but is red eye socket
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However, the colour blue gives people the blues, yellow is too hard on the eye and red causes tempers to fly.
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单词 Red Eye 释义

  • 单词释义:[电影]红眼航班;长途吓机  [更多..]



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