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单词 pipe down 例句大全,用单词pipe down造句:

Then he sat down and had a pipe and listened to the clock tick.
然后他坐下来, 有一个管道, 并听取了时钟滴答。
Ensure the fittings of Ripple Pipe and water pipe have be screwed down.
And thereupon he sat down across the brandy cask, and began to fill a pipe.
说着, 他就坐到了白兰地酒桶上, 开始装烟斗。
The rancid stench of dirty drains John poured the ditty water down the pipe.
Please pass your pipe blind down to barge, so that we can offer suitable hose connector.
Application of Down Feed Two Pipe Horizontal Cascade Heating System in Mechanical Circulation
The cup inside drain sumps is capable of floating up and down at the opening of the intake pipe.
The heat carrier heating, blow down and liquid recovery pipeline of the transfer pipe was changed.
Mud This pressure must be under control, and we control it by means of the mud which we circulate down the drill pipe.
然而从那以后的每年, 2003年的那封邮件依然流通着。
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