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单词 pile up 例句大全,用单词pile up造句:

But he looks at the pile of arrowheads, thinks they're a gift, picks them up, smiles and walks off.
但他看着一堆箭头,以为是礼物 就捡起来冲你一笑就走了
This may only take a moment, but those moments pile up and eat into time that could be spent doing other things.
Make sure that you dont wait until problems pile up before making a reckoning that would be firing belated shots.
切记不要使问题成了堆, 才来一个总结, 放马后炮。
I remember watching the pile of freshly laundered shirts stack up and I thought it behoved me to try and iron one.
A great deal of alkali residue has no place to pile up, causing the great pollution of the environment of Jiao Zhou Bay.
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单词 pile up 释义

  • 单词释义:堆放,堆积;积聚;成堆  [更多..]



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