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单词 piss off 例句大全,用单词piss off造句:

You piss off locals with running commentary on the local news.
TMZ.com If you really want to piss off Kobe Bryant, click here!
如果你真的想让科比滚开, 点击这里!
Yo mommas so ugly, she looks like a Bulldog licking piss off a thistle.
I guess the most recent story of me having a bad attitude at work seriously piss me off.
You useless!! You really wanna give me a big disgrace You know, you really piss me off!!
George B. Condi, youre starting to piss me off now, and its not cause youre black neither.
布希康迪你开始让我感到不爽了, 而这不因为你是黑人。
If you are willing to piss her off with your honesty, you have demonstrated that she can trust you.
如果你的真诚能打动她, 你便向他证明了她可以信任你。
Did piss him off so much though that when he heard he fell off a ladder and didnt know who to sue first.
If Bree's not willing to make some sort of a commitment, then maybe. Dad, you're starting to piss me off.
Im not going to say its because youre a pain in the butt and piss people off every time you interact with them.
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单词 piss off 释义

  • 单词释义:滚开,使厌烦,使生气  [更多..]



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