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单词 public transport 例句大全,用单词public transport造句:

At least one reasonbehind the success of Tesco's convenience stores is public transport.
Eventually one would suspect the public transport system would be closed down completely.
事实上, 人们不得不怀疑, 公共车辆总有一天会完全停掉。
Please take public transport to attend the seminar as no parking spaces will be available.
由于讲座场地不会有车位供应, 请使用公共交通公具前往。
Analysis on Optimal Service Frequency of Public Transport Considered with Generalised Cost
Frequency adjustment and terminal change to Hang Hau MTR Station Public Transport Interchange.
Transport Minister Seri Ong Tee Keat for improving public transport a moderate period of time.
The government may levy heavy tax on private car owners, or it will develop the public transport.
Pedestrian flow detection method in public transport system based on the computer vision is presented.
Infrequent and unreliable public transport is a barrier to the mobility for the able and disabled alike.
The first four sales involved indebted companies in the steel, petrochemical and public transport sectors.
In order to build public transport services brand, excellent service characteristics to build brand credibility.
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单词 public transport 释义

  • 单词释义:公共交通,公共交通工具,公交车辆  [更多..]



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