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单词 pull through 例句大全,用单词pull through造句:

They had to dig into their cooky jar to pull through the crisis.
Then, pull the wide end up and through the loop around your neck.
Everyone was very concerned whether he would pull through or not.
You can pull through, we have pulled through, but it's dangerous.
There's just a fighting chance that we'll be able to pull through.
Stowe tried every means to pull his business through, but all in vain.
斯托千方百计想使他的企业免于失败, 但白费力气。
Midway through our twoperson competition, I was starting to pull ahead.
在我们两人的竞赛中途, 我开始领先。
I shouted to the driver of the tractor to pull over and let me through.
He shouted to the driver of the tractor to pull over and let him through.
It will also pull out fluid, right through the membrane of the inner ear.
耳烛还可平衡耳内压力, 功效可分为身体和情绪两方面。
Edward has been involved in a car crash and they say he wont pull through.
爱德华遇上了一次车祸, 但据说他没有救了。
I need you to pull through, . This dosage is strong enough to kill a horse.
我要你挺过来, 这剂量足够杀死一匹马了。
These horses are harnessed to our carts to pull us through the muddy streets.
The new manager introduced some drastic measures to try to pull the business through.
新上任的经理采取断然措施, 以振兴企业。
Pull antenna through the pneumatic spring housing and push it through the rubber sleeve.
Through the space bar to pull the game only really affected the players Dance Mission it?
Such unhealthy tendencies as securing advantage through pull or influence must be checked and stopped
像走后门这一类不正之风, 必须加以帛止
As you move your arms through the breaststroke pull, remember to keep pressure on the hands at all times.
Men went off the canoe and pull and push the canoe. Through our efforts, we finally overcame the barrier.
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单词 pull through 释义

  • 单词释义:<非正>恢复健康,精神状况转好,情绪转好;渡  [更多..]



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