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单词 production plan 例句大全,用单词production plan造句:

To combine the production practice of plant, discuss the improvement plan and solve the existence problems.
结合煤气厂生产实际, 探讨煤气厂改进方案, 解决存在的问题。
Computer Aideil Management System of Material Consumption Quota and Material Supply Plan in Group Production
Coordinate production lines and other related departments on Master Production Schedule and production plan.
No designated production enterprise shall overproduce ephedrine beyond the plan in violation of state provisions.
Coordinate with production lines and other related departments on Master Production Schedule and production plan.
Lead and plan all production equipment preventative maintenance and corrective maintenance also equipment rebuild.
Currently, the production, launching and building of ancillary ground facilities are progressing according to plan.
Manage purchasing orders of commodity parts to satisfy production plan and other corresponding requirements from HQ.
The production planner is responsible to formulate the company production plan. The department manager is responsible for audit.
The annual production plan of ephedrine shall be examined and finalized by the state department of pharmaceutical administration.
Ensures that the monthly production plans are exploded into a material requirement plan, for the Purchasing Department to execute.
Contact with the department manager e. g. production manager, logistics manager, assort with the maintenance activities of the plan.
Responsible for the execution of production plan of workshop within the companys current quality system under the lead of production head.
The production planner is responsible to formulate the trial production and batch production plan for the new product per the project plan.
Looking at the busy workers on the assembly lines, the general manager felt it was absolutely possible to accomplish the production plan by the end of the year.
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