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单词 procedure body 例句大全,用单词procedure body造句:

The body of a procedure is a compound statement.
This important procedure is lightening the density of your body.
Of or concerning procedure, especially of a court of law or parliamentary body.
程序的程序的或有关程序的, 尤指法庭或议会机构的程序的
Study On Procedure Teaching Of Bunching Up Body For Three Circuits of Side Somersault
The body's newly sculpted silhouette should therefore remain constant after the procedure.
For each reference to a formal parameter in the body of the procedure, a call of this thunk appears.
The Governing Body can also initiate such a procedure and refer a complaint to a Commission of Inquiry.
理事机构还可以起用这种程序, 将申诉提交给调查委员会。
It is a matter of the Councils credibility that its internal rules of procedure are still provisional,58 years after the creation of that body.
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