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单词 prime minister 例句大全,用单词prime minister造句:

The unconditional surrender formula was announced by the President and the Prime Minister.
PHASE AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE On essence of traditional administration from the prime minister
There's a Prime Minister, Secretary of State, Minister of Defense and a CFO, or Comptroller.
有总理,国务卿,国防部长 和财政部长
A Cabinet Minister a MP chosen by the Prime Minister to run a federal government departments.
Likewise, the African nation of Mauritius has elected a white prime minister of French origin.
He launched a vitriolic attack on the prime minister, accusing him of shielding corrupt friends.
The Governor General acts on the advice of the Prime Minister and other Ministers of government.
Turkish Foreign Minister Cem Announces Resignation, Another Heavy Blow to Turkish Prime Minister
The King has already agreed that the President of the Nepal Congress should be the Prime Minister.
The head of government is a prime minister appointed by the president with parliamentary approval.
政府首脑为国家总理, 由总统任命并由国会批准。
By championing this one cause, Mr.Abe rose from obscurity to become prime minister three months ago.
通过支持这样的话题, 安倍从身份低微到三个月前成为首相。
I also met with Acting Prime Minister Lieutenant General Thein Sein and other members of Government.
The prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, did not agree, suggesting strains within his ruling coalition.
At that time I had the rank of Prime Minister and I received my daily allotment of ten pods of peanuts.
The remainder of the cabinet is appointed by the president on the recommendation of the prime minister.
The Prime Minister countered by stating that he had grave misgivings about the advice he had been given.
More and more of the Prime Minister's colleagues were thinking that the time had come to alter direction.
The reporter kept asking the Prime Minister extremely acidic questions, which caused him to begin to sweat.
The Prime Minister, with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation as his deputy, chairs the Council.
They are demanding the resignation of the Prime Minister whom they accuse of being illegitimate and undemocratic.
他们要求总理辞职, 指控总理违法和不民主。
The ministers are appointed and dismissed by the President of the Republic on the proposal of the Prime Minister.
The Prime Minister was accused of living in cloud cuckoo land and being completely unaware of the poverty in the country.
Prime Minister Taro Aso apparently has fended off an attempt by a group of Liberal Democratic Party lawmakers to oust him.
There is a very near analogy between the position of the President of the United States and that of the Prime Minister of England.`
But prime minister Prime Minister Kevin Rudd sign signed the protocol as his first act in havers office following his ellection election last year.
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