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单词 print out 例句大全,用单词print out造句:

Print out page 2 of this document. These instructions may also be printed.
Produce a professional looking manuscript, print it out and get it framed.
When finished, you can save to file, copy to clipboard or print out directly.
Just print out the following instructions and save them for future reference.
Give you this standard print and distribute now, ask comply with to carry out.
Car owners can print out appointment forms and apply to change license plates.
Print this list out and use it conjunction with your own kitchen design layout.
这份名单打印出来, 并结合自己使用厨房的设计布局。
There are also lots of out of print magazines and newspapers available for free.
B. You can print out your application form only after MDL assign you an USER No.
I also added an option to print out the code generation model tree for a binding.
Whenever you enter a trade, print out the charts that prompted you to buy or sell.
不管你何时进行交易, 把提示买卖喜好的图打印出来。
Just print a copy out and hang it somewhere youll be sure to see and check it often.
I believe the book is now out of print, but it can easily be borrowed from libraries.
The book was out of print, but I eventually ran it to earth at a secondhand bookshop.
Users buy deals in advance and then print out a coupon thats used to redeem the deal.
用户提前团购, 然后打印用于兑换该笔交易的优惠券。
Print out A printed record of computer output by a printer. Synonymous with Hard copy.
Print out this little collection and display it prominently to remind you to read them.
打印出这些法则, 摆在显眼的地方来提醒你。
This will print out timing information to the terminal that executed the client script.
We hereby print and distribute to you. Please carry them out in light of your actual situation.
现印发给你们, 请结合自身实际, 认真贯彻落实。
But it turns out to be illegal to print a child's drawing of Micky Mouse onto a plate of sugar.
但把一副孩子画的 米老鼠画成一幅的糖画 是非法的。
The machine can print by embossing wheel with out heating system is available for customixzing.
The revised edition of the book is now out of print. There's a discount for these sample copies.
I can't explain the appearance of the print on the matchbook. that's what I'm trying to figure out.
我解释不了火柴板上的指纹, 那也正是我要查的。
We would have liked to print your letter in the newspaper, but it was crowded out by important news.
All the surnames in the list have been specially flagged so that the computer can print them out easily.
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