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单词 production lot 例句大全,用单词production lot造句:

The genuine PIVOT have the production lot sticker.
You don't need a lot of equipment to set up a production facility.
A lot of these ideas migrated in to the production trailers for Airstream.
将很多的想法移植到 蒸汽房车的生产中。
And meat, in fact, is something that costs a lot of our agricultural production.
实际上,肉类食品的 农业生产成本 很高。
Different surfacing quality of same lot production that is difficult to automate.
The agricultural production of a lot of places leaves old, weak, Fu only managing.
Research on Production of Minimum Lot Size Based on a Production without Goods in Stock
Which means that I have a lot more control in terms of lyrics, music arrangement, and production.
Previously, his home of a professional production hardware small factories, earning a lot of money.
以前, 他家里有个专业生产小五金的小厂, 挣了不少钱。
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