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单词 pressing paper 例句大全,用单词pressing paper造句:

A fold made by pressing a groove into paper stock without cutting its fibers.
The paper discusses the three efficient of loading stability in pressing automatic.
Print vt make letters, pictures, ect on paper by pressing an inked surface against it.
印刷, 印字母或图画在纸上。
You transfer the embroidery design from the paper to cloth by pressing it with a warm iron.
This pulp and paper industry, how to ensure the paper resources has become a pressing priority.
这对于造纸业界来说, 如何保证纸资源成了当务之急。
This paper discussed the different influences of dry pressing on the densification of special ceramics.
The distribution laws of pressure and density in pressing process of ring preform are researched in the paper.
Early electrical workers used it as a coating to insulate coils, and molded it into stand-alone insulators by pressing together layers of shellac-impregnated paper.
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