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单词 priming effect 例句大全,用单词priming effect造句:

The Masked Repetition Priming Effect of Emotional Words With Different Encoding Tasks
The negative priming effect and its mechanism have been a hot topic in cognitive psychology.
A study on negative priming effect and distractor identity inhibition in categorization task
Effect of Seed Priming on Germination and Physiological Characteristics of Seedling in Soybean.
For varieties, the priming effect was greater on Park and Blue Chirp than on Butterfly and Kentucky.
而品种间, 以公园和抢手股高于蝴蝶和肯塔基。
The priming effect of nitrogen fertilizer on soil nitrogen was studied by using waterlogged incubation method.
Effect of seed priming combined with chemical treatment on improving seed vigor of super sweet corn was investigated.
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