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单词 SAILS 例句大全,用单词SAILS造句:

Here we can see the sails of fishing boats that appear on the horizon.
Ready am I to go, and my eagerness with sails full set awaits the wind.
Ready am i to go, and my eagerness with set sails full awaits the wind.
正要出发, 我的热望扯满帆篷等待风起。
My heart spread its sails the idle winds the shadowy island of Anywhere.
Theoretical Study on Sailing Performance of the Shipwith Auxiliary Sails
The man says that we have to go aboard half an hour before the ship sails.
The finding could aid the design of solar sails for interstellar sojourns.
The finding could aid the design of solar sails for interstellar sojourns.
The bows turn, the freighted ship tacking speeds away under her gray sails.
Mizen TopMast Shroud Shows the reef band, cringles, and points on the sails.
后桅桅楼上下桅连接索显示了帆上的卷帆带, 缝边, 和点。
The sails are torn; they won't catch the wind. We had to burst the door open.
The sails are adjusted to create a smooth laminar flow over the sail surfaces.
Afternoon 2 when make, a special train sails slowly into Harbin railway station.
The white sails were seen off the shore beautifully contrasted with the blue sky.
My heart has spread its sails to the idle winds for the shadowy island of anywhere.
我的心张了帆, 乘着悠闲的风, 寻找飘渺的苍郁之岛。
The announcement that his contract would not be renewed took the wind out of his sails.
Ten minutes afterwards, the sails were furled, and they cast anchor about a hundred harbor.
The answer was so cool, so rich in bravado, that somehow it took the wind out of his sails.
她说得那么冷静, 那么勇气十足, 使他不知怎么泄了气。
So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor.Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Loken's boisterous delight in literature was as the wind in the sails of my literary adventure.
Sails are airfoils that work by using an airflow set up by the wind and the motion of the boat.
Twelve hundred galleys floated at Aulis, waiting for a favourable breeze to swell their flagging sails.
The boat clawed off slowly until it reached the wind, when the sails filled and the boat gathered speed.
But the most amazing feeling was the feeling of freedom, the feeling that I felt when we hoisted her sails.
before the ship sails from its next port of call, the shipowner shall appoint a new Master to take command.
在下一个港口开航前, 船舶所有人应当指派新船长任。

单词 SAILS 释义

  • 单词释义:[计]= Software Adaptable Integrated Logic System,软件自适应综合逻辑系统  [更多..]



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