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单词 shy away from 例句大全,用单词shy away from造句:

I shy away from this task.
To shy away from helping strangers
Don't shy away from infrastructure.
Alan doesn't shy away from controversy.
We frequently shy away from making decisions.
The Russian dose not shy away from the winter.
Van Loon did not shy away from controversial statements.
We must not shy away from our collective responsibilities.
Earl It seems that girls shy away from careers in science and math.
俄尔女性似乎不愿从事着重科学, 数学的职业。
I know I shouldn't eat that fat meat, but I never shy away from it.
我知道我不应该吃肥肉, 但我从不忌讳。
And why do the development and environmental groups shy away from it?
Conversely, dont shy away from a wine because someone else trashes it.
He played prop forward and I never once saw him shy away from a challenge.
他当时打第一排边锋, 我从未见他在挑战面前退缩过。
As the campaign heats up, Ms Merkel will probably shy away from the FDP's radical ideas.
当大选升温后, 默克尔很可能回避自民党激进的改革措施。
Hide behind the hence opposite the Old Woman. Shy away from the Hunnish warriors for a while.
躲到老女人对面得栅栏后面, 暂时躲避匈奴人。
For instance, the shy pup who cringes and skitters away from you when you crouch down to pet her.
Not one to shy away from a prediction, Roach is quick and adamant in his reply when asked for one.
Given the countrys precarious politics, foreign donors are likely to shy away from giving more aid.
由于该国政局不稳, 国外援助也都望而却步。
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单词 shy away from 释义

  • 单词释义:(由于羞怯等)躲开[避开]  [更多..]



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