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单词 shot off 例句大全,用单词shot off造句:

Our battery fired off many rounds of shot at the enemy.
He jumped into his machine and fairly shot off the ground.
Please take off your coat and I will give a shot in the arm.
Cops shot him before he ate that other guy's whole face off.
He fired a shot and drew off the lion's attention to himself.
The shot clock horn went off after the ball went into the hoop.
Who shot Cally when she bit off his ear during an attempted rape.
The force of the shot knocks Nawin off the edge of a high waterfall.
The driver without a word shot off before he could rightly be seated.
If he hadn't shot his mouth off, things couldn't have been so awkward.
要不是他多嘴, 事情也不至于搞僵。
Move, your shot, and off balance to teach yourself balance on the move.
动起来击球, 并且在失去重心的练习中学会掌握平衡。
The lecturer shot off a pistol as a demonstration of the startle response.
Another shot and a bullet skipped off the ground within inches of his feet.
Faber flung open the door of the jeep, jumped in and shot off down the hill.
费伯急忙打开车门, 跳上驾驶座, 飞快地开下山坡。
It emitted a beam that shot across the ocean to Kalimdor, off the west coast.
Finally, as light grew dim, he had to finish off the bear with a second shot.
No sooner had the banquet begun than the king shot off about his new weapons.
宴会刚开始, 国王就吹起他的新式武器来了。
The athletes darted off as soon as they heard the shot from the starting pistol.
裁判得发令枪一响, 运动员们像箭一样冲了出去。
The athletes darted off as soon as they heard the shot from the starting pistol.
裁判的发令枪一响, 运动员们像箭一样冲了出去。
Move, hit your shot, and fall off balance to teach yourself balance on the move.
动起来击球, 并且在失去重心的练习中学会把握平衡。
Before the end, Giovinco made a great run and his shot was off target by inches.
临近结束前, 吉奥文科漂亮的跑位, 但他的射门缓慢偏出。
The hills echoed back the noise of the shot The signal pistol went off with a bang.
Officials say that it was shot down by a missile shortly after take off the airport.
Had that made approach run of Qiao Dan from the dunk shotfoul shot taking off gleam ?
Film shot at him before selling off electrical appliances, in a hotel over the plate side.
他在拍电影前, 推销过电器, 在酒店里端过盘子。
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