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单词 shut down 例句大全,用单词shut down造句:

Bulgarian President Requests not to Shut Down Nuclear Power Station Before its Time
To cellular phone that you use now is how much, you use everyday of that shut down.
To shut down the power periodically can reduce the power consumption of comparator.
Too many withdrawals from the carbon bank, and so this population will be shut down.
I think this policy must be driven to its ultimate conclusion, and the HQ shut down.
我猜, 这种做法必然会导致以下结局关掉总部。
The firm essentially shut down in September, despite having a heavy backlog of orders.
尽管有很多积压的订单, 工厂在9月份还是倒闭了。
Eve could have ordered It'shut down for the night, but It'seemed an unnecessary hassle.
埃娃可能已下令其夜间关闭的, 但它似乎只是徒劳之举。
Eve could have ordered it shut down for the night, but it seemed an unnecessary hassle.
埃娃一定会让人夜间要把它关闭, 但这似乎只是无谓的唠叨。
The U.S. is careening toward a budget fight that threatens to shut down the government.
The database is shut down cleanly and its resources are freed after the last user exits.
在最后一个用户退出后, 数据库完全关闭, 并且释放资源。
Low water levels caused the country's largest hydropower dam to be shut down last month.
上个月, 低水位使得肯尼亚最大的水力大坝被迫关闭。
Uses the AbortSystemShutdown API to hinder attempts to shut down or restart the computer.
The vendor chose to steal the students money and shut down the course before it finished.
供应商选择了偷学生的钱, 当然关闭前完成。
In a shut down, the employees must be notified and paid through the date of the shut down.
The database is shut down cleanly and its resources are freed after the last user logs off.
则在上一个用户注销之后, 数据库会完全关闭并释放其资源。
I'm requesting this domain to provide legal information or simply be shut down immediately.
Rationing made textiles scarce and for almost a year, the costume operation shut down entirely.
Wireless Link is transferring files. Do you want to abort the transfer and shut down the machine.
Too light a breeze means no power too strong a gale and the turbines shut down to prevent damage.
70 small refineries had shut down and approximately 5,600 refineries with indigenous methods banned.
With the return of the displaced persons, schools and hospitals, which had been shut down, reopened.
流民返回, 关闭的学校和医院重新开门。
Design of Shut Down Starting Moment of Torsion Automomentary Dev ice for Nonpower Butterfly Check Valve.
Its an attempt to shut down smuggling networks that the US believes are supplying weapons to militant groups.
Operation of the process, often automatically shut down, to the underground construction with the wind inconvenience.
运转过程中, 频繁自动停机, 给井下施工用风带来不便。
These guys at this bar must be really desperate and have no game. They keep going to different tables to hit on girls, but they keep getting shut down lol.
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单词 shut down 释义

  • 单词释义:完全关闭;停工;停下  [更多..]



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