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单词 Siberian Husky 例句大全,用单词Siberian Husky造句:

Feeding A Siberian Husky Dog.
My favourite dog is Siberian Husky!
Siberian husky dogs are playful, energetic, spirited, and intelligent dogs.
The Siberian husky dog should be groomed once a week, removing dirt and debris.
Someone who wants a quiet dog Beautiful as they are, Siberian husky dogs are not quiet.
有人要安静狗漂亮, 却并不平静西伯利亚狗喉。
In both sexes the Siberian Husky gives the appearance of being capable of great endurance.
The characteristic temperament of the Siberian Husky is friendly and gentle, but also alert and outgoing.
The most commonly affected breeds for adenomas are the Siberian Husky, Cocker Spaniel, Pekingese, and Samoyed
肛周腺腺瘤易感犬种有哈士奇, 可卡犬, 北京犬和萨摩耶
The males of the Siberian Husky breed are masculine but never coarse the bitches are feminine but without weakness of structure.
雄性肌肉发达, 但是轮廓不粗糙雌性充满女性美, 但是不孱弱。
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单词 Siberian Husky 释义

  • 单词释义:西伯利亚爱斯基摩狗  [更多..]



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