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单词 Shields 例句大全,用单词Shields造句:

The heat shields are made of ceramic flakes or aluminum foils of poor thermal conductivity.
Analysis of the abrasion of disc cutters of shields in composite ground and countermeasures
Note that depreciation tax shields are safe if the company will be consistently profitable.
Research on Manufacture of Motorcycle Shields Panel Injection Hard Mould by Plasma Spraying
The operation organ of single and dual action have the same cylinder bodies and end shields.
Twilight Archon doesn't have any special ability yet, just a strong attack and strong shields.
黎明执政官暂时还没特殊技能, 只是个高攻高防的单位。
We stress the need not to obstruct humanitarian assistance or to use civilians as human shields.
The elements which affected the ablative properties of silicone rubber heat shields were discussed.
Part of the ceremony also saw royal guards entering the hall carrying ceremonial shields and spears.
It is for this reason that hydrogen, e. g. as water, is an important constituent of neutron shields.
由于这一缘故, 氢便成为中子屏蔽体的一个重要组成部分。
They have some skill in combat and are well equipped with long spears, large shields and mail armour.
Increased overseas production for Panasonic, Toyota and others also shields firms from currency risk.
With straight sided scuta if you overlap your shields there is no room for a sword to be used at all.
Trained levy troops equipped with light armour, shields and swords whose task it is to defend settlements.
Elemental Shields was reducing flat physical damage, not a percentage. Now properly reduced by a percentage.
Were coming up on the sentry ships.Hold em off! Angle the deflector shields while I charge up the main guns!
如果有别的宇宙飞船, 阻挡他们, 升起防护网, 将主要炮管装满
There's heavy infantry, which are foot soldiers, armed foot soldiers with swords and shields and some kind of armor.
二是重步兵,就是步兵 武装上剑和盾 还有铠甲
THE VOICE OF IOKANAAN Let the captains of the hosts pierce her with their swords, let them crush her beneath their shields.
The specific powers of psionic armor and shields diverge from their magical counterparts, however, and are described in this section.

单词 Shields 释义

  • 单词释义:[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 希尔兹 Shield的变体;[地名] [美国] 希尔兹  [更多..]



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