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单词 she's 例句大全,用单词she's造句:

She's stupid and untidy but then again she's always willing to help.
Yes, that's Beth. She's my girl, and a regular good one she is, too.
She's partially blind, her husband can't work, she's got seven kids.
She says she's unable to give up smoking; she's completely addicted.
I mean, yeah she’s pretty and nice, but she’s kind of an airhead.
She's such a petite woman and yet she's got a real bruiser of a baby.
She's going to make John a cake. She's going to make a cake for John.
She's definitely a late bloomer and she's just in a really great place.
她肯定是一个迟熟的人, 而她现在正处于一个很棒的位置。
She's only doing it out of kindness she's got no particular axe to grind.
她只是出于好心 倒不是别有用心。
She's not in the office but it doesn't necessarily follow that she's ill.
她不在办公室, 并不见得就是病了。
If she's got a double chin, watch her flesh shake while she's complaining.
如果她是双下巴, 在她埋怨时看着她那块赘肉晃动。
She's a brilliant mathematician, but as a lecturer she's totally incapable.
She's sitting over there. She's been to the bookstore and she's bought a book.
She's 10 years old there, she was living as a girl but she was being beaten up.
那时她十二岁 以女孩的身分过活 但一直受到毒打
Uh, any way we can go with the severed arm? She's in the truck, and she's hurt.
我们能去处理断臂吗?她在车上 她受伤了
She's not the pilchard sort of little slip of a girl, she's a Bonny Scotch trout.
She’s pretty, but she has a big head and a skinny body. She looks like a lollipop.
She's a really good pianist. I guess she's asking him about the music they're playing.
她擅长弹钢琴, 大概是向钢琴师询问乐队演奏的音乐。
She's tolerated the chemotherapy extremely well and we hope she's going into remission.
She’s being really clingy and it’s such a turn-off. She needs to give me some space.
Well, she's been divorced four times and right now she's having an affair with her manager.
哦, 她离过四次婚, 女传闻她和她的经纪人有染。
There's a hiatus, where she's considering whether or not she is going to receive a message.
She's been terminally ill for several months and I'm afraid she's only living on borrowed time.
She is going to play a blind student in the upcoming crime thriller. She’s been acting mainly in romantic comedies so far, but I’m sure she’ll do a great job.
Don’t get me wrong, she’s a cool girl and all, but I’m not looking for anything serious at the moment. I’m worried she’s starting to become attached though.

单词 she's 释义

  • 单词释义:she has 她(已经);she is 她是  [更多..]



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