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单词 shoot for 例句大全,用单词shoot for造句:

Please make an offer for the bamboo shoot of the quality as that in the last contract.
Let me buy you a cup of coffee and well sit down and shoot the breeze for a few minutes.
我来请你喝杯咖啡, 让我们坐下来聊一会儿。
That, for me, will not be a hardship. Mr Archer, at the count of three, shoot Dr Watson.
Key techniques for integrated management of citrus yellow shoot in controlling wood louse
For this outdoor shoot activities, students and teachers have been working very carefully!
为了这次外拍活动, 同学和老师们都非常的用心!
Application for cover technique, to make zaoyuan bamboo shoot early come out adn high yield
覆盖技术的运用, 使早园笋早出高产
Application for cover technique, to make zaoyuan bamboo shoot early come out adn high yield.
Shoot and bud growth characteristics and management of jujube trees used for harvesting scions
Experiment of the low productivity Moso Bamboo Land for higher bamboo shoot and culm production
Effect of Hormones Combination on the Multiplication and Vitrification of Shoot Cultures for Carnation.
They were ordered to cease and desist and are now waiting for the weather to clear to finish off the shoot.
他们被要求停止和终止, 他们在等待天气好转来完成拍摄。
Study on Evaluating Model of Shoot Ability for Ground to Air Missile under the Condition of the Electronic Interference
Seedling production by pressed shoot burying for Gardenia jasminoides Ellis and the planting and management technologies
In the experiments, the optimal selection pressures of kanamycin for shoot regeneration and rooting were also determined.
在此基础上, 确定了不定芽再生和生根的卡那霉素选择压。
Husband hides behind the door, holding video camera ready to shoot. Wife serves dishes waiting for the bastard taking advantage.
丈夫就躲在门后准备好拍摄, 妻子上菜等混蛋现行。
Snipers crossbow artefact now gives a hero and army ability to shoot without penalties for distance and obstacles. Description changed to reflect the change.
狙击弩可以令英雄不受距离与障碍限制, 说明进行相应改动。
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