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单词 sharing 例句大全,用单词sharing造句:

File sharing is enabled, but sharing properties on the folder or printer are not set.
A chemical bond that involves sharing a pair of electrons between atoms in a molecule.
Otherwise, he won't acquire the qualification to enjoy the sharing fund or Communist life.
Rental charge accounting is one of the difficult problems in telecom infrastructure sharing.
Core idea of heterogeneous databases interoperation is data sharing and transparent accessing.
The author of this book review tries to comprehend every point, sharing its value after reading.
本文作者经过仔细研读, 试解读其中受益之处, 谨供读者参考。
Since independence in 2002, negotiations on sharing the resources have at times been acrimonious.
自从2002年独立, 两国间共同开发资源的谈判一直很激烈。
C, improve stock sharing structure, absorb several shareholders to develop conglomeration economy.
Kobe Bryant Hes recommitted himself to playing defense, being a leader and sharing the basketball.
Easy sharing allows your friends in your social network society acquaint themselves with our service.
精彩分享, 让您的好友也能了解到我们的服务。
Everyone would like to have an accompaniment of sharing swear and woe to go through the whole lifetime
Funding agencies, research institutions, and journals should make data and material sharing mandatory.
Very attractive pay. A base salary plus performance based incentives and bonuses, plus profit sharing.
Illustration of Welfare Economics for the Farmer Sharing the Economic Development Achievement for Balance
Benefit sharing programmes could also enable the local cultivation of medicinal plants in appropriate cases.
The walls of the restaurant were sepia colored plastered with old posters Buddha sharing the wall with a liquor ad.
On Network Bandwidth Sharing for Transporting RateAdaptive Packet Video Using Feedback, Int. J. Networking, Oct.
Analysis of advantage and disadvantage of employee sharing upon company situation, design of reasonable practical program.
Though they advocate collectivism, the Chinese people dont have the habit of sharing things and making cooperation with others.
我们虽宏扬集体主义, 但却又缺乏平等分享与合作的习惯
The Bathing Beach may quickly make you cherish the forthright idea of sharing honour and disgrace together in the face of the storm.
After disabling sharing and restarting your computer, run the program again in order to check that sharing has really been deactivated.
The result will be machines that combine the complex and rich skills of humans with the speed, accuracy and knowledge-sharing ability that machines excel in.
A Study of the Proper Sharing of the Expenditure on Rural Compulsory Education Among Governments at Various Levels After the Abolishment of Agricultural Taxes
We must build the country through diligence and thrift, combat extravagance and waste, and encourage hard work and plain living and sharing weal and woe with the masses.
While this has resulted in a lot more hugs, ' I love you 's, ' and attendance at kids* football games, un-fortunately we parents also insist on sharing the frustrations of our work lives.

单词 sharing 释义

  • 单词释义:分配;均分;共价;共享  [更多..]



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