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单词 settle down 例句大全,用单词settle down造句:

The rich brocade sees the business chance half, in the mind just a little settle come down.
Maddie takes a seat and prepares to settle down with a good book of her favourite fairy tales.
The students may be a bit wild and woolly when they first arrive, but they'll soon settle down.
Perhaps he knew that Archippus had a tendency to settle down in comfort and to take things easy.
I’m too old to be chasing girls, I think it’s time to finally settle down and start a family.
The kids were hard to settle down since they were so worked up over this morning's football game.
Without a sense of commitment in a relationship,can we expect them to settle down and start a family?
Three people agree that the crux of the problem is that Mr. Johnson can settle down and work for a living.
Having labouredly scavenged the housing market, Haiping chose to rent this place to settle down and get on with here pursuitsa room 650 RMB per month.
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单词 settle down 释义

  • 单词释义:定居;(使)安静下来;平息;落到地面上来  [更多..]



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