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单词 settle for 例句大全,用单词settle for造句:

Get rid of the bottle. Settle for juices or water instead.
I have an account to settle with you for calling me a thief.
I can't do anything! At this point, I'd settle for anything.
For a century we labored to settle and to subdue a continent.
Id settle for a few castings of Summon Coffee VII. Maximized.
He demanded a hundred dollars but settle for half that amount.
I think we can settle for this outline of the draft resolution.
Gate's new budget tries to settle this debate, at least for now.
She is looking for a chance to settle old score with her brother.
She tried to turn around, couldn't, and had to settle for asking.
她想转过身, 却动不了, 只好张口发问。
She was looking for a chance to settle old scores with her brother.
May the blood spilled here today, settle this debt once and for all.
今天就让血流尽于此, 了结所有恩怨。
Her boyfriend is waiting for her, but she has no plans to settle down.
她的男朋友正在等她, 可她并不打算就此安顿下来。
Bill and Tom asked the teacher to settle the argument once and for all.
Compound Mould of Trimming And Punching for Settle Socket of Grip Brake
手刹固定座切边, 冲孔复合模
For a few hours, you settle back in a deep armchair to enjoy the flight.
It took a while after the baby was born for things to settle down again.
I expect a good performance today and will not settle for anything less.
The HR manager repeated demands for arbitration to settle the pay dispute.
For a few hours, you settle back in a deep armchair to enjoy the flight.
In this competitive industry, do not settle for the generic music library.
在这个竞争激烈的行业, 没有解决的通用的音乐库。
Be confident enough that you won't settle for a compromise just to get by.
要相信自己不会轻易妥协, 得过且过。
For most of the year a crab will settle in one place living in their burrow.
Yet the miners, having buried one premier, will not settle for anything less.
但矿商既然已经把一位总理赶下了台, 是不会善罢甘休的。
Why don't you ask the teacher to help you settle the argument nee and for all?
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