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单词 settle on 例句大全,用单词settle on造句:

One in transit through a country on the way to the country in which one intends to settle.
Crude futures declined 1. 66 to settle at 76. 08 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
Feel like the absence of a bachelors degree on your resume is forcing you to settle for a secondrate job
Settle of hotel of east of first case forest at Beijing on the west the square austral passenger station.
Imprint your name on the cigarette which is then inhaled into my lung,and finally made settle in my heart.
Imprint your name on the cigarette which is then inhaled into my lung, and finally made settle in my heart.
把你得名字刻在烟上, 吸进肺里, 留在离心脏最近得地方。
A Concise Study of the Policy on Attracting Northern Minorities to Settle in East Liao in the Early Period of Ming Dynasty
You need to settle the rest of the outstanding bills on the invoice by entering the total payment amount less the disputed amount.
In case the trademarks were first used on the same day, or neither is yet in use, the applicants shall settle the matter by consultation.
Having labouredly scavenged the housing market, Haiping chose to rent this place to settle down and get on with here pursuitsa room 650 RMB per month.
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单词 settle on 释义

  • 单词释义:决定,选定;看中;看上;相中  [更多..]



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