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单词 set against 例句大全,用单词set against造句:

Their dark forms like mountains painted in ink, set off against the gentle dusky light.
像墨泼的山形, 衬出轻柔暝色,
The civil war set brother against brother. there was a ground swell of antiwar sentiment.
Workers are set to down tools in protest against employers refusal to budge on wage demands.
由于雇主在工资问题上拒不让步, 工人们准备进行罢工。
set up against the seller the breach of warranty in diminution or extinction of the price, or
提出卖方因价格的减少或消灭而违反了担保条款, 或
Set against this dismal present and a bleak future, buying a home is a willful act of optimism.
Assess the achievements of the team against the initial set of objectives and evaluation criteria.
The ideal of the family system is necessarily dead set against the ideal of personal individualism.
Thou shalt make also seven lamps, and shalt set them upon the candlestick, to give light over against.
German public opinion is firmly set against dipping into the public purse to help the profligate Greeks.
The story about a father and son, set against the background of North Amsterdam during a glorious summer.
Upon performance by the obligor, the deposit shall be set off against the price or refunded to the obligor.
She set her face with a sulky determination against any intimacy between herself and the baronets young wife
她绷着脸, 下决心不同从男爵的年轻夫人结成亲密的关系
And he shall set engines of war and battering rams against thy walls, and shall destroy thy towers with his arms.
And the rest of the people he delivered unto the hand of Abishai his brother, and they set themselves in array against the children of Ammon.
Feed the baby eight treasures rice cereal, should let the baby maintain the seat to set up the posture, guards against food to have food stuck in the throat.
At Cao Caos instruction, Liu Bei was about to set off for a punitive expedition against Yuan Shu. before he left, Liu Bei worried about the defence of Xuzhou City.
曹操命刘备伐袁术, 刘备临行时为由谁留守徐州拿不定主意。
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单词 set against 释义

  • 单词释义:(使)靠着…;把…与…相比;(使)与…抗衡;(使)在…映衬下  [更多..]



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