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单词 rally on 例句大全,用单词rally on造句:

You know, we're having a rally on campus.
The longer the rally goes on, the quicker it gets.
对打得越久, 对打得越快。
The Democrats held a pep rally on Capitol Hill yesterday.
Euro Resumes Rally on Sharp US Sales Drop by Ashraf Laidi
美国销售锐减, 欧元重获反弹
Thousands of supporters converged on London for the rally.
The time of the mass rally has been notified on the bulletin board.
As if on cue, Iran staged remarkable rally to book their semifinal place.
如对线索, 伊朗上演了显着反弹预订他们半决赛的地方。
Jason No. It was our second date. On the first date I picked you up at the Womens Lib Rally.
A mass rally to denounce Wang Chingweis traitorous pact is scheduled to be held on February 1 in Yanan.
A mass rally to denounce Wang Chingweis traitorous pact is scheduled to be held on February 1 in Yenan.
But Bhutto on Thursday became a victim of the extremist violence she deplored, killed by a suicide bomber as she left a political rally in her car.
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单词 rally on 释义

  • 单词释义:(善意地)取笑  [更多..]



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