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单词 rail car 例句大全,用单词rail car造句:

A Kind of Bogie in the Rail Trail Car
Microcomputer car slide rail durability tester
The car caromed off the guard rail into the ditch.
汽车撞上护拦又弹回, 跌进沟里
Chicago can be reached by means of car, bus, rail, or air.
人们可以搭乘汽车, 巴士, 火车和飞机抵达芝加哥。
That's how I found you. By following him back to the rail car.
All girders shipped by rail were arranged on a flatbed rail car.
Development of a New Test Carriage for the Rail Flaw Detection Car
Discussion on the Problem of Power Wheel Diameter of AC Power City Rail Car
Discussion on improving checking quality by rail detecting car in dynamic state
Development and Application of the Braking Technology for Powered Car Train Set and Light Rail Vehicles
Mr. Willingham was riding out of the mine in a rail car at the end of his Monday shift when the explosion struck.
爆炸发生时, 贝尼正准备下早班, 坐着轨道车出矿。
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单词 rail car 释义

  • 单词释义:单节机动有轨车,机动轨道车  [更多..]



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