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Quite a few years ago, a friend of mine had breast augmentation surgery.
Today walking in the street, I saw quite a few people who have gotten bald.
Peach and cherry trees are out in blossom, and we've seen quite a few birds.
桃树和樱桃树已进入花期, 我们看见了不少鸟儿。
This is a rugged and barren landscape, yet there are quite a few spiders here.
这里的地势崎岖不平,且贫瘠 存在相当数量的蜘蛛
Seeing that quite a few comrades were absent, we decided to put the meeting off.
Faced with, quite a few people argue that, but other people conceive differently.
Quite a few schoolmates envied and admired her for her good look and intelligence.
Quite a few pedestrians and cyclists behave as if there were no traffic rules at all.
Quite a few things, actually. Firstly, how many lectures a week do I have to Attend ?
实际上有很多。首先, 我一个星期要听多少堂课?
Though the composition has quite a few mistakes in wording, It'shows a great approach.
这篇作文有不少讹舛, 但立意还不错。
Though the composition has quite a few mistakes in wording, it shows a great approach.
From a few things that in handling the work, produce, author experience is quite difficult.
There are quite a few methods of repairing the nasal alar defect, but few are satisfactory.
Quite a few local regulations have a strong inclination of departmental benefit in practice.
Meanwhile, they have absorbed quite a few young people who have just graduated from colleges.
I borrowed a magazine from the library yesterday, and found quite a few pages were missing from it.
Now, however, the regime may be able to live with quite a few more weeks of biweekly demonstrations.
然而, 现在的政权是不能忍受不少示威更双周星期。
Quite a few workers in the plant have been accepted as regular members of the Social Democratic Party.
It never occurred to me that I would meet my teacher I hadnt seen for quite a few years at the airport.
If the exposure had been put off for another year, I dare say quite a few people would have been affected.
再有一年不揭露, 保管有不少的人是要受他们影响的。
Quite a few of these patterns can be discarded as useless towards the absolute most of the guitar repertoire.
And in the special army units there are quite a few battalion cadres who have taken part in combat operations.
There are quite a few things that the panelists would like to see changed in academia and in the field of psychology.
Yuyangchan, a kind of music accompanied by drumbeats, was quite popular in ancient times, but few people listen to it now.
渔阳掺在古代很受欢迎, 现在却少有人听。
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