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单词 quite a 例句大全,用单词quite a造句:

I am on financial aid, but I still have to pay quite a bit of tuition.
我虽然有助学金, 但还是得缴不少学费。
He is a very eligible bachelor and has quite a handful of girlfriends.
Now quite a few private traders falsify their accounts to evade taxing.
She gets around quite a lot, working for an international travel agency.
He was not a great talker, but he was quite a mild, affable sort of man.
Gee, Its quite a task getting to the airport whit such a heavy suitcase.
Gee, it's quite a task geting to the airport with such a heavy suitcase.
哇, 带着这么重的提箱到机场真是件苦差事!
As a journalist, she has made quite a lot of friends as well as enemies.
作为一名记者, 她交友甚众, 树敌也不少。
Quite a few years ago, a friend of mine had breast augmentation surgery.
It takes quite a while to accustom ourselves to the special climate there.
要使我们自己适应那里的特殊氛围, 颇需要一些时间。
At present, quite a lot of advert terms use idioms or make words with them.
目前, 相当一部分广告用语采用成语或仿造成语造词。
William Yes, and Ive heard the phrase quite a lot with the adjective dreaded.
The airport is quite a distance away. How were you planning on getting there?
It was after quite a bit of diplomatic activity, after a lot of consultation.
John They smell a bit strong, meaning the bluebells have quite a strong aroma.
这些孩子发现了野风信子, 他们说可以闻到很浓的味道。
This is a rugged and barren landscape, yet there are quite a few spiders here.
这里的地势崎岖不平,且贫瘠 存在相当数量的蜘蛛
Seeing that quite a few comrades were absent, we decided to put the meeting off.
The first step will need quite a long time and cannot be accomplished overnight.
He drawn out quite a lot of money on Friday,from the building society account.
But I still have quite a soft spot for the work that goes on in the ad agencies.
Quite a few schoolmates envied and admired her for her good look and intelligence.
There is quite a bit of water between Kissinger and the President on the agreement.
It has been argued for a most proper English teaching system for quite a long time.
I know quite a lot about archery. archery is a sport of shooting with bow and arrow.
Quite a few things, actually. Firstly, how many lectures a week do I have to Attend ?
实际上有很多。首先, 我一个星期要听多少堂课?
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单词 quite a 释义

  • 单词释义:<尤美, 常褒>不寻常的  [更多..]



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