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单词 quick fix 例句大全,用单词quick fix造句:

A Quick Fix for Obesity.
We see that there is no quick fix.
There's certainly no quick security fix.
Let me fix that for you quick as a wink.
It was a quick fix on a very depressing night.
在那个沮丧的夜晚 自杀是最一了百了的法子了。
I pulled over and tried to figure out a quick fix.
我把车停到一边, 看看能不能想个办法快点把它修好。
I believe this is the solution and it's no quick fix.
我相信这能够解决目前的问题, 但这并非一蹴而就的事情。
Whatever is wrong in your fe, you need to fix it quick.
不管你生活中出现什么问题 最好尽快解决
You will also learn how to create a quick fix for a problem.
As oil prices rise, raising the fuel surcharge is a quick fix.
This ebook is not a quick fix, nor will It'solve all your problems.
这本书不是一个速效药, 也不会解决你得一切问题。
This is a short term emotional control for quick fix situational changes.
The Quick Fix pane now offers variation previews for every adjustment option.
Quick Fix provides a lightbulb and a wavy yellow line indicating improvements.
So if you need a quick fix that won't get you fired because it takes all day, here are a few sure bets:
Confronting the exigency of cost control, entrepreneurs are pressed to find a quick fix to stay afloat.
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单词 quick fix 释义

  • 单词释义:速效对策,快速解决问题的办法  [更多..]



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