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单词 quieter 例句大全,用单词quieter造句:

Her lung sounds were a bit quieter than normal but I did not detect any congestion.
她的肺部听起来较正常呼吸音低, 但是我没有发现淤血症状。
The second period was rather quieter than the first, with little of note to report.
My men are faster than the wind, quieter than the snake, you are right to fear them.
Special silicon blended material provides extended life span and quieter performance.
In the saloon bar your drinks cost a little more, but the atmosphere is quieter and here perhaps fewer people.
在沙龙吧里酒水费可能高一些, 但是气氛较静, 人也较少。
The man much quieter, more inward, the very shapes of his shoulders and his Buttocks less assertive, more hesitant.
The engine is quieter than that of the old Beetle because, among other things, it is modem and cooled by water and not air.

单词 quieter 释义

  • 单词释义:防音装置,内燃机的消音装置,消声器  [更多..]



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