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单词 photosynthetic rate 例句大全,用单词photosynthetic rate造句:

Diurnal Variation of Net Photosynthetic Rate and Ecological Factors of A Fine Poplar Variety in Summer and Fall
Comparison of photosynthetic rate and fluorescence characteristics of heteromorphism leaf of Populus euphratica.
Preliminary Study on Diurnal Photosynthetic Rate Variation of Comprehensively Managed Actinidia deliciosa Leaves.
A preliminary study on the diurnal variation of net photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate for Chimonanthus praecox
Changes Photosynthetic Rate and the Contents of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium in Asparagus officinalis Ratoon in Autumn.
The photosynthetic rate and its diurnal variation of a single cucumber leaf of the seed plant of Tian Jin No.4 cucumber were measured.
Using the existence theory of solution developed by J. No net photosynthetic rate difference was existed in high and low WUE accessions.
Effect of Different Phosphorus Level on Photosynthetic Rate and Agronomic Traits Between Soybean Cultivars With Different Phosphorus Efficiency
No significant correlation was found between grain weight and population photosynthetic rate of different development stages after spraying CHA.
Relationship Between Diurnal Variations of Photosynthetic Efficiency and Midday Depression of Photosynthetic Rate in Wheat Leaves Under Field Conditions
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