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单词 pick on 例句大全,用单词pick on造句:

You listen attentively and respectfully, and you're quick to pick up on things.
But as Asia's economy starts to pick up steam, Macau looks to be on another roll.
Don't give up. It's time to pick up the pieces and move on to the next challenge.
You can pick a spot on the image to see the corresponding level in the histogram.
In tennis, ball boys wait on the sidelines to pick up balls that have been played.
She admits other girls her age were jealous of her and would pick on her at school.
It makes my blood boil to think two thugs decided to pick on an innocent young girl.
I also will arrange the airport pick up for you on that day to take you to the hotel.
Farmers have always relied on seasonal workers to plough the fields and pick the crops.
Experiment Research on Consumption of Electricity Per Ton and Block Size in Pick Cutting
Took off his shoes, pick the scarf, sitting on PuTuan stretch hand to the brazier warmth.
脱了鞋, 摘了围巾, 坐在蒲团上向火盆伸着手掌取暖。
In their childhood, they used to herd cattle on hillside and pick mulberry leaves together.
He refused to prepare for the exam, but counted on being able to pick his roommate's brains.
Influence of Cumulus Cells on In Vitro Maturation of Nude Oocytes Derived from Ovum Pick Up.
So he put on his sandals, pick up the medicine basket, and investigate to be made physically.
Would people pick on him at school because his mother is a dwarf and will he be embarrassed by me
在学校, 他会因为他的母亲是侏儒而尴尬吗?
As I pick chrysanthemums beneath the eastern fence, my eyes fall leisurely on the Southern Mountain.
On the same day, the children pick up the brush on a piece of paper describing their dreams and future.
Just pick up a tray, put a knife, a fork, a spoon and a paper napkin on it, and then start down the line.
So Ben butchers in the past rely on the straw heap below, pick up the butcher's knife lay down their burden.
屠户于是奔过去倚靠在柴草堆下, 放下担子拿起屠刀。
Our brains can pick up on these patterns in ways that we never could have from looking at raw ones and zeros.
我们的大脑可以 看得到 在1和0中看不到的模式。
Has the condition to be possible to pick the aquatic animal whole the laboratory to carry on again processing.
Optimal Design for Pick Arrangement Parameters on Cutting Head of Roadheader Based on Minimum Load fluctuation
I do believe that sense of smell can affect to you, might pick to go out on a date with, who your partner might be.
我相信嗅觉可以影响你, 可以为你选择出约会对象。
Females got released first, to give them a chance to establish territories; lynx males pick their turf based on proximity to females.
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单词 pick on 释义

  • 单词释义:挑选;招惹; 找茬儿; 责备  [更多..]



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