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单词 pick out 例句大全,用单词pick out造句:

The women freak out, cry, swear, and pick fights over the disputed items.
Grains of gold gleam brightly in the gravel, but prove difficult to pick out.
Pick up some beer, take out the trash and send these letters at the post office.
I assume you want to pick out your own wedding dress when we get married, right?
Pick up the wand, read out the familiar mantra, it will appear, with me in.
We're going to Andreas' s Boutique to pick out something original for both of us.
Pick up another marker out of the cup and color in the ox for me. Color in the ox.
再从杯内拿起另一枝笔出来 给牛填颜色。
And all without exception, take dance contest and pick out a combination of methods.
Ooh, that's not good either, 'Cause julie and I are gonna pick out my wedding dress.
也不太好 我和朱莉要去取我的婚纱。
We'll pick out the damaged cargo in the slings during loading, provided there is any.
装货过程中我们会捡出关内残损货, 如果有得话。
abstract Objective to pick it out with breast cancer patients to sleep quality, impact.
The character was obviously wrong but he didn't pick it out. It shows how careless he was.
这么明显的错字他都没看出来, 可见他很粗心。
no opportunity to take her to the chemotherapy, no opportunity to help her pick out a wig.
You can see, well, you can, kind of pick out all the major continents, but that's about it.
你能看到,甚至大概 辨认出主要的大洲
Pick out position of place the capsule, establish again the direction that the capsule flick open.
Turn around. Move out of the cage. Go to your left and pick up your clothes and Bible. Next man up!
His wife,pick all the bedsheet out and hock them all.With the little money,he bought a new red one.
She often uses tweezers to pick out stray eyebrow hairs and give her eyebrows a fine, attractive shape.
她经常用镊子整理乱眉, 这样眉型会更好看, 更吸引人。
When the cereuses have branched out, we will pick some of the flowers and give them as a present to our friends
Even driving to the art supply store to pick out acrylics for Josh to paint the lid of the coffin was a relief.
I do believe that sense of smell can affect to you, might pick to go out on a date with, who your partner might be.
我相信嗅觉可以影响你, 可以为你选择出约会对象。
Another essential condition for a weak army fighting a strong one is to pick out the enemys weaker units for attack.
弱军对于强军作战的再一个必要条件, 就是拣弱的打。
The bartender's heart went cold as he saw the main judge pick up the red brush used for writing out the death sentence.
And if you are looking out for her wellbeing , I suggest you advise her to pick up the injection gun and bring it to me.
如果你为她着想, 我劝你叫她捡起注射枪然后把它给我。
The clever combatant looks to the effect of combined energy, and does not require too much from individuals. Hence his ability to pick out the right men and utilize combined energy.
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单词 pick out 释义

  • 单词释义:挑选;取出;了解;衬托  [更多..]



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