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单词 penal law 例句大全,用单词penal law造句:

Relating to the administration of penal law.
Certain provisions of the law carry direct penal sanctions.
Further work would be needed in areas such as penal law and tax law.
Article 217 of penal law stipulates that four actions are infringement of copyright.
Penal sanctions should be supplemented by disciplinary, administrative and civil law sanctions.
In fact, the law expressly provides that confidentiality ceases in the penal area and in court.
Please explain to which rules of international law article19 of the Lebanese Penal Code refers.
France and Morocco would under their respective law on penal procedure formulate an official denunciation.
The second part is the bases of penal liability including philosophy and ethnics and law and criminal bases.
包括哲学和伦理学根据, 法理学根据, 刑法学根据。
California penal code with the strict structure is the important representative of American state criminal law.
加利弗尼亚州刑法典结构严密, 是美国州刑法的重要代表。
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