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单词 performance art 例句大全,用单词performance art造句:

In this context, streetball is as much about performance art as it is an athletic contest.
在这种情形下, 街球既是一项竞技比赛, 也是一种表演艺术。
Artistic Performance of Famous Prostitutes in Later Ming Dynasty and Their Status in Art History
Fire dancing is a performance art form which combines equipment on fire into a spectacular dance.
The aestheticization of everyday life is just the approach and performance of the shift of the art.
The main achievement of the local drama in the Qing Dynasty reflected on the art of the performance.
The graduation ceremony and Art joint performance of JINBISHIJI Experimental Kindergarten now begins.
The traditional drama satge art is various shape factor to know together as in the drama performance.
Wang Lei, from Beijing Armed Police Art Group, engaged on flute performance and teachings. Welcome to contact me!
This paper theoretically and practically analyze the influence of pigment particle characteristic on optical properties and printing performance of coated art paper production.
英文例句大全为您提供performance art英文例句大全,performance art英文造句,关于performance art的英语句子,单词performance art怎么造句,performance art英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于performance art,英语单词performance art的句子,单词performance art如何造句,performance art怎么造句等。

单词 performance art 释义

  • 单词释义:表演艺术;表现艺术  [更多..]



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