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单词 palace hall 例句大全,用单词palace hall造句:

The art palace hall converging history and modern.
Exhibition Hall of Imperial Palace of Puppet Manchurian State
Shunzhi 9,and was invited into the palace hall to support all good.
Renshoudian name Qinzheng Palace, the emperor sitting in the hall behind.
仁寿殿原名勤政殿, 是皇帝坐朝听政的大殿。
The copper ceiling of the National Culture Palace hall is made by our factory.
There are four palace courtyard for Lvzu Hall, a square room corridors and Wei Ting Kok.
The palace consists of a large open hall and a dome that has survived to the present day.
A huge streamer is hung below the eaves of the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Imperial Palace.
Postscript to Collection of Historical Documents of the Palace Workshops of the Hall of Mental Cultivation
Every three years the emperor held a palace examination in this hall for scholars pursuing high literary degrees.
每三年, 皇帝都要在这儿为追求高级学位的学者们举行殿试。
The Hall of Happiness and Longevity was the residence of Empress Dowager Cixi during her stay in the Summer Palace.
Jianjisuiyou (meaning a peaceful great country under law and order) was written on the inscribed horizontal board on the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Palace Museum of Beijing.
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