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单词 pack up 例句大全,用单词pack up造句:

At the back of the pack, he's starting to move up nicely.
I'll pack the doll in a box, and then wrap it up in paper.
我会把这个玩具装在盒子里, 再用纸包起来。
Allow them a few minutes in which to pack up their things.
Everyone at home was getting ready to pack their things up.
Application of the technique to pack up goaf with waste band
He crunched up the empty pack and threw it out of the window.
A scholar, disheartened, returned home ready to pack up shop.
To Pack Up the Pigeonholed Files of Veterinary Drug Enterprise
OK kids, you can now pack up your bags and leave the classroom.
小朋友, 你们可以收拾东西离开教室了。
Monica and Chandler pack up their apartment with the gang's help.
I eat some breakfast, make a cup of coffee, and pack up to leave.
我吃了点早餐, 喝了杯咖啡, 收拾离去。
Pack up the mood, continue to go, miss flower, you will reap rain.
Each MOLLE main pack already set up to accept one of these pouches.
We redact and pack up the contributions from kinds of universities.
Knitted scarf of 20 years, when can you just pack up final stitch ?
The children were making an awful din and I told them to pack it up.
The dress wrinkles up rather easily, so be careful when you pack it.
Afterwards, the team all went back to their hotel to pack and rest up.
She catches up with the lead pack and is pushing toward the finish line.
她跟上了领先集团 并冲向终点。
Don't pack your clothes too tightly in the case or it will ruckle them up.
不要将衣服箱子内塞得太紧, 那样会打皱的。
I picked up my pack, slung it over my shoulder and crossed the little bridge.
I picked up my pack, slung it over my shoulder and crossed the little bridge.
我捡起我的包, 甩到肩上, 然后走过了这座小桥。
The students were making an awful din and the teacher told them to pack it up.
The children were making an awful din and their mother told them to pack it up.
If they are ignored, they may pack up and move to a more friendly jurisdiction.
如果他们被忽视了, 那结果很可能是卷起铺盖, 另投明主。
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单词 pack up 释义

  • 单词释义:打包; 收拾;<非正>停止工作; 停止运转  [更多..]



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