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单词 pedicellate 例句大全,用单词pedicellate造句:

Flowers pedicellate to nearly sessile.
Flowers bisexual, sessile or pedicellate.
花两性, 无梗或有花梗。
Flowers bisexual, pedicellate, pedicel articulate.
花两性, 有花梗, 花梗有节。
Flowers axillary, solitary or to 3 in a cluster, pedicellate.
腋生的花, 单生或在3成簇, 有花梗。
Flowers axillary or aggregated on twig tips, shortly pedicellate.
Flowers bisexual, 46merous, actinomorphic, sessile or pedicellate.
花两性, 46瓣, 辐射对称, 无梗或有花梗。
Flowers bisexual, actinomorphic, sessile or very shortly pedicellate.
花两性, 辐射对称, 无梗或有极短的花梗。
Flowers bisexual, axillary, several to numerous in a corymb, pedicellate.
花两性, 腋生, 许多到数个在一伞房花序里, 有花梗的。
Flowers bisexual, solitary or in clusters of 2 or 3, subsessile to shortly pedicellate.
花两性, 单生或在2或3的簇里的, 近无柄到有短花梗。
Flowers appearing before leaves, bisexual, heterostylous, 1 to several fascicled in leaf axils, pedicellate.
花在叶之前出现, 两性, 在叶腋, 有花梗内的1到数个簇生。

单词 pedicellate 释义



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