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单词 payment term 例句大全,用单词payment term造句:

What is the term of collection of payment ?
What term of payment will you like to adopt?
The term of the payment will be agreed beforehand.
Control prepayment and Account Payable payment term.
Would you accept bill of exchange as the term of payment ?
Please note our payment term is letter of credit at sight.
Shall we go on to disuse the question of payment term In detail
Well, in order to get the business, we accept your payment term.
We ask that your payment should be by the term of Letter of Credit.
Will you explain specifically your proposition about the term of payment
请您具体讲一讲关于付款方式得建议好 吗
The prices discounting rate payment term credit limit etc are specified in Appendix 3.
My home office have consent to amend the term of payment in accordance with your request.
This can be used on any payment term and cannot be used in conjunction with any other coupon.
Negotiate and mare sure the payment term , delivery term , quality and service with supplier.
与供应商协商确认支付条款, 配送条款, 质量和服务。
Our usual term of payment is cash against document and we hope they will be acceptable to you.
我们通常的付款方式是凭单据付现, 希望贵方可接受。
The development and payment policy of hospice palliative care should be coordinated with long term care system.
在发展与给付政策方面, 应配合长期照护系统之规划
Does not commute a punishment the shortterm set term of imprisonment to the malicious payment, replaces the fine the payment.
A term of a mortgage which allows the creditor to demand payment in full of principal and interest due upon the sale of the property.
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单词 payment term 释义

  • 单词释义:支付[付款]条件  [更多..]



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