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单词 peasant economy 例句大全,用单词peasant economy造句:

A rich peasant economy will be allowed in the rural areas.
农村的富农经济, 也是容许其存在的。
small peasant economy after the French BourgeoisRevolution
The rich peasant economy did not occupy an important place in China's rural economy.
Strengthening the Building of a Contingent of Peasant Middlemen to Make the Rural Economy Flourish
Peasant worker worker already became an indispensable main force in construction of forestry centre economy.
Developing courtyard economy by using water in cellars can obviously increase economic income of peasant households.
利用宅院水窖发展庭院经济, 可显著增加农户的经济收入。
On the governments' control over peasant economy and powerful families' economy in the Western Wei and Northern Zhou Dynasties
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