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单词 parasympathetic nerve 例句大全,用单词parasympathetic nerve造句:

Aganglionosis of parasympathetic nerve ganglia
Clinical observation and treatment of the reflex in parasympathetic nerve
Caffeine can inhibit lung pant for parasympathetic nerve, reduce asthma attacks.
They work paralyzing the parasympathetic nervous system, blocking the nerve endings.
Plant nerve includes consensual with the parasympathetic nerve, normal when both balance.
植物神经包括交感和副交感神经, 正常时二者平衡。
The parasympathetic nerve section that connects with facial nerve photograph has two pairs.
Some repress sympathetic nerves, excited parasympathetic nerve of drug, can also cause diarrhea.
一些抑制交感神经, 兴奋副交感神经的药物, 也可导致腹泻。
The effect cn the parasympathetic nerve of the submandibular glands in rats by sympathetic denervation or section of the sympathetic preganglionic fibres
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