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单词 potential well 例句大全,用单词potential well造句:

The aggressor would receive terrific punishment which might well destroy the whole of him war making potential.
Less well known is the allergic potential of plants in the Asteraceae family such as chrysanthemums and daisies.
少为人知, 是菊科植物在家庭过敏的潜质, 如菊花, 雏菊。
We tend to undervalue the importance of our listening skills as well as the scope of their potential application.
但我们低估了倾听技巧的重要性, 以及它潜在的适用范围。
It is well established that the cardial contraction is initiated when action potential depolarizes the sarcolemma.
The probability of escape movement from a potential well for a particle on account of molecule motor in the living cell
Evaluation Method of Production Potential for Oil Extract Extraction and Test Well with Intermission and Constant Production
Well, it depends whether you are just trying to find one potential or if you are trying to find all the possible potentials.
Contact potential is affected by changes in ambient temperature as well as by the presence of temperature gradients across a switch card.
For sake of the traditional calculation method appliance for the blanking die cutting edges dimensions, the potential value of mould cannot be embodied well.
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